A straightforward separation or divorce will require a substantial amount of paperwork, and a more involved case will involve much, much more. 

In addition to court paperwork, you may want to track events that occurred for future reference, other documents of significance, evidence, and expenses. DwD recommends using google calendar and google drive to store this information because it is:

  • Secure
  • Accessible from any computer or your phone
  • Searchable
  • Easy to organize
  • Easily sent to another party (such as an attorney or law enforcement if necessary)

The law library adjacent to the Hayward Hall of Justice has a scanner/copier that can be used to scan documents as pdf files. DwD recommends taking a USB flash drive with you when filing documents and visiting the law library to scan your filed documents immediately after to store your documents in one place for future reference. 

If you are defending yourself against false allegations, there are affordable surveillance options that can help protect you and contribute to your defense.